The fastest way to start tracking your work time is by clicking on the Play button.
If you just want to start tracking your work time, and not have this time assigned to any task or project, simply click on the Play Button and then press Start.
A time entry will be created, and you can later assign a task and project to it.
Start tracking from the main timer
: all roles | Free Feature
You have several options to start tracking.
If you’re going to start working on an existing task or project, you can use the two-step selector.
At the top, you will see your recent activity, and at the bottom, all of your projects.
You can also create projects and tasks right from the Timer:
Track a task
: all roles | Free Feature
To track time against a task from your tasks list, hover the task and the Play button will become visible.
⚠️ You will only see the Play in tasks that have been assigned to you.
Track a project
: all roles | Free Feature
Click on the Play button next to a project's name to track time against it. You can only track time for projects that have been assigned to you.
If you track time against a project directly, an empty task will be created within the project.
⚠️ You will not be able to visualize tasks names, in your Timesheets reports, if you only track projects.
Continue tracking a recent activity
: all roles | Free Feature
If you've already tracked time against a task, and you want to keep adding time to it, instead of looking for it in your projects' list you can press the Play button on the time entry, directly from the Hours tab.
Just hover the time entry and the Play Button will appear.
Can I pause the Timer?
To start the timer you need to click on Play. To stop it, you'll need to press Stop. The Timer does not have a Pause option, only stop.
You can click stop and play on the Timer as many times as you wish. A new time entry will be created each time you press Play, instead of adding time to an existing time entry. All hours will be alocated to the selected task/project (if any).
Can I track multiple tasks at the same time?
Unfortunately, no. When using the live timer, you can only track one task at a time.
However, you can manually add several time entries for the same period of time.
Set notifications to help you track
: all roles | Free Feature
How to set up time tracking notifications:
Under Notify Me, you will see the following time notification options:
When I’m not tracking: A desktop/browser notification will appear every 30 minutes to remind you that you’re currently not tracking any tasks.
About what I’m tracking: A desktop/browser notification will appear every 30 minutes while you’re actively tracking a task to make sure you’re tracking the correct task.
With updates about projects, tasks and comments: Get notified every time one of your projects or tasks gets updated.
A task time is exceeded: Get notified if you ever exceed the estimated time assigned to your tasks.
A project time is exceeded: Get notified if you ever exceed the estimated time assigned to your projects.
Set policies to help you track
: admins | Paid Feature
You can set your own rules to make sure that your time tracking is always consistent.
For example, you could automatically stop a team member's forgotten running timer, using Policies.
Learn how to set up time tracking Policies here.